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MEMBERSHIP 2024-2025

Dear friends,

As we reflect on another year of סייעתא דשמיא, we are filled with הכרת הטוב to הקב''ה for all the ברכה that He has bestowed on our Kehila. The sounds of תורה and תפילה echo throughout the walls of our Batei Midrashim during the week and on שבתות וימים טובים. 

Many people deeply benefit from both Rabbi Sonnenschein and Rabbi Perl. Their numerous shiurim and unwavering dedication to the needs of the kehilla have been invaluable to so many people.

Maintaining our Shul however, is not without tremendous expense. The financial burden to run the Shul on an average month exceeds $25,000. This includes the many programs offered throughout the year for both men and women, as well as mortgage, utilities, insurance, housekeeping, repairs, paper goods, coffee, etc. 

Therefore, we are asking everyone to help keep your Shul going by participating in our annual membership drive. Please see below for membership options:

Platinum Membership 
⦁    Cost is $1200
⦁    Includes 25% discount on all hall rentals
⦁    Includes a free locker
⦁    Includes 1 free Kiddush/Shalosh Seudos Sponsorship for the year
⦁    Includes 4 seats for Yomim Noraim

Gold Membership
⦁    Cost is $900
⦁    Includes 20% discount on all hall rentals
⦁    Includes a free locker
⦁    Includes 4 seats for Yomim Noraim

Silver Membership
⦁    Cost is $600
⦁    Includes 15% discount on all hall rentals
⦁    Includes a free locker 
⦁    Includes 2 seats for Yomim Noraim

The Shul is available for the entire community and with your generous help, we can continue to sustain the operating cost. 
If you have any questions please email or call (203) 754-4159.

The Executive Board 

B'nai Shalom Membership Drive

Please help keep your Shul going by participating in our annual membership drive. Please see below for membership options:

Platinum Membership 
⦁    Cost is $1200
⦁    Includes 25% discount on all hall rentals
⦁    Includes a free locker
⦁    Includes 1 free Kiddush/Shalosh Seudos Sponsorship for the year
⦁    Includes 4 seats for Yomim Noraim

Gold Membership
⦁    Cost is $900
⦁    Includes 20% discount on all hall rentals
⦁    Includes a free locker
⦁    Includes 4 seats for Yomim Noraim

Silver Membership
⦁    Cost is $600
⦁    Includes 15% discount on all hall rentals
⦁    Includes 2 seats for Yomim Noraim

Lockers are free for Platinum, Gold levels of membership.


Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785